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Christmas Greetings to you all

It has been some time since I have taken the time to write a blog.  I am again surprised that the end of the year has ‘snuck up’ on us again so quickly.  As I reflect on the year, it has been a busy one.  With 152 new families referred to the service this year, it has been a busy time.

It was great to welcome Mary Orpin to the team early in the year to pick up some of my client work, enabling me time to grow the organisation, but of course continuing to support families as well.  Mary is a counsellor and has been a great asset to the team, particularly in her support to mothers and their babies who have had a fragile start to life, spending time in the New Born Unit, or with parents who have had a child pass away.

Kim has continued with her Child Centred Play Therapy training this year, and this has been beneficial to the children that she works alongside.  Stephen has completed his Post Graduate Certificate, and delighted to gain top marks!  His support to families continues to be appreciated, particularly for the adolescents who are seeing him, and the fathers of children who appreciate a male on the team!  The music therapy that Stephen does with children is very popular, music is a great healing balm for the soul.

We said farewell to our administrator Joyce Stone this year, but we are delighted that she is continuing to see us in her catering role.  For those who do not know, Joyce is a fantastic cook, and is now doing this full time.  We wish her well.  We have welcomed Michelle Rae to the team.  Michelle’s role here at True Colours is as Executive Communications Assistant and works closely with me as well as our marketing team, Kylie Harcourt and Jacqui Gage-Brown.

While there have been changes over the year in house for True Colours, we are going from strength to strength in the growth and development of the service.  That is only possible because of the many individuals, businesses, sponsors and supporters who have contributed in some way to the sustainability of the organisation.  Our thanks in particular to our principle sponsors, Rodmor Trust, who came on board at the end of 2013 to help take us forward in the development of services for children with serious health conditions and their families.

The highlight of the year would be having Neil and Tim Finn at our signature fundraising event, the Kerr & Ladbrook True Colours Long Lunch.  It is always amazing to listen to their music and certainly this was a buzz on the day. We love and appreciate their continued support and care to us.  The other highlight would have to be partnering with the Northern District Cricket team.  We are delighted they have chosen us as their charity to support this year.  We have already had families enjoy attending the game and I am learning more and more about cricket as we go on!

e appreciate each and every one of you who have contributed to True Colours, thank you.  We are continually moved by the level of care that families provide at home to their child who is unwell.  Their courage and resilience to do this cannot be underestimated.  The children and the families we care for continue to motivate us to try and deliver the best care we can to help assist in helping this courage shine through.

We wish you all a safe and special time with family and friends over this summer break.



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